Hunter Pain Specialists News

2019 Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable | Hunter Pain Specialists

Written by Admin | Feb 4, 2019 4:53:00 AM

Each year, the International Association of Pain (IASP) selects a topic for the Global Year Against Pain. 2019 is the Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable.

The aim of this Global Year is to raise awareness of pain in vulnerable individuals and populations, and work towards improving pain assessment and management in these people.

Many groups of people still suffer in silence, particularly those who have trouble communicating their pain to health professionals. This often means that their pain and the problems associated with it are underestimated. Without an adequate understanding of their pain and a proper pain assessment, these people may not receive the amount of pain control they truly need.

The following vulnerable groups have been identified by the IASP Global Year Task Force:

  • Older people with pain (including those with dementia);
  • Infants and young children with pain;
  • People with cognitive impairments or intellectual disabilities with pain;
  • People with psychiatric disorders with pain;
  • Survivors of torture.

There are a number of ways in which the Global Year Task Force hopes to improve the lives of these vulnerable groups. The objectives of the 2019 Global Year are to:

  • Understand the types of pain that these groups face;
  • Identify the barriers that prevent proper assessment and management of pain in vulnerable groups;
  • Identify which assessment tools and management strategies would be best for these groups;
  • Educate health professionals who work with these vulnerable groups; and
  • Identify areas of research and development in this area.
  • To learn more about the Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable, access free fact sheets, and participate in the Global Year, visit the IASP website via the link below.

Website: IASP Global Year Against Pain