Hunter Pain Specialists News

National Pain Week Survey by Chronic Pain Australia | Hunter Pain Specialists

Written by Admin | Jun 22, 2021 6:13:00 AM

Chronic Pain Australia (CPA) National Pain Week (NPW) 2021-Theme "Connection"

People living with chronic pain often feel isolated by their pain. Therefore, the aim of NPW 2021 is to remind the friends, family and professionals around people who experience persistent pain, that connection is key to addressing the social isolation which pain can create. “Connection” theme this year will encourage people to connect with their bodies, acknowledge their pain, and seek support and advice from others rather than ignoring it and continuing to suffer in silence.

As part of Chronic Pain Australia’s continued advocacy, we have launched our NPW 2021 Survey. The NPW survey will allow CPA to determine trend analysis from previous years, including commentary on interactions with health providers, stigma, telehealth and COVID 19 impacts and government funding issues. The survey results will also inform the various audiences required for media releases and a determination of specific advocacy topics for government-related issues.

If you experience chronic pain or know someone else who does, please click the link below or share with others to complete the CPA 2021 National Pain Survey, which will help us to advocate and improve the services available for people living with chronic pain in Australia.

NPW 2021 Survey