
Chronic Pain Woes Under Federal Government’s New Proposal


Being the Director-at-Large for the Neuromodulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (NSANZ) New South Wales, Dr Marc Russo has seen first-hand what the Federal Government is proposing in relation to private health insurance funding changes.

Chronic pain woes

"As a society, we are concerned that the changes will mean chronic pain management will only be affordable for those patients that obtain gold tier private health cover."

Dr Marc Russo

“We support the Government’s goal to make private health insurance more transparent and affordable, however, given that chronic pain treatment reimbursements accounted for only approximately 0.5 per cent ($100 million) of the $19.8billion total premium reimbursements paid in 2016/2017, we believe that it should be an item that is covered under all policies, be it bronze, silver or gold.” Dr Russo said.

NSANZ want to ensure both the Government and Minister Hunt deliver on their promise to Australians living with chronic pain and ensure that patients continue to receive the coverage they currently have under their existing policies.

Both NSANZ and Hunter Pain Clinic believe that it is only fair that those living with chronic pain have access to all treatments and chronic pain procedures.

If you’d like your voice to be heard, then join us by signing this petition.

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