
How can radiofrequency help with chronic back pain?


Arthritis commonly affects the spine, specifically the facet joints, which unfortunately cannot be replaced like a knee or hip. However, there are effective treatment strategies available, including radiofrequency therapy.


What is Radiofrequency Therapy? Radiofrequency therapy involves using specialized needles to target the nerves surrounding the facet joints in the spine. By "burning" these nerves, the pain signals to the brain are interrupted, reducing the sensation of pain.

Benefits of Radiofrequency Therapy

  • Pain Relief: Although the arthritis remains, the absence of pain signals allows patients to experience a significant reduction in pain.
  • Rehabilitation Opportunity: This pain-free period provides an opportunity for patients to engage more effectively in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, helping to improve strength and mobility.

Common Questions

  1. Is the procedure painful?
    • The procedure itself is generally not too painful. Sedation and pain relief are provided by an anaesthetist during the treatment. Some patients may experience a temporary increase in pain post-procedure, but this usually subsides within a week or two.
  2. Is radiofrequency a cure?
    • Radiofrequency is not a cure. The pain relief typically lasts up to 12 months, offering a valuable window for rehabilitation. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

Is radiofrequency right for you?

If you suffer from back pain due to facet joint arthritis, consult your GP. You might be a suitable candidate for radiofrequency treatment, which could significantly improve your quality of life by reducing pain and enhancing your ability to engage in physical activities and therapy.


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